I'm here. I know. Bad blogger and even worse emailer. It's that time of year again. The beginning of the school year where I have to rework the daily schedule and get the school rhythm in motion.
I still can't upload pictures so here's an oldie but goodie of Miss F. She is a crawling, pulling up maniac. She claps like a trained little monkey when you sing "The Wheels on the Bus". She can throw a fit of all fits but if you sing that song, she'll still scream and cry but she's clappin'. We're changing her daycare at the end of the month. It was our #1 choice but we didn't "make the cut" the first time so we tried it again. I feel so Manhattan-ish with wait lists and 'the right school'. It was tough telling the ladies where she is at now, but I know she'll love the new place and so will I....it has parenting classes, Thanksgiving feasts, St Patty's Parade (we'll get her ready for Greenville Ave early).
I started my first 'official' day at the new job. After some hesitation that I made a bad choice, I think things are going to work out well. If they don't, I'll have some great dinner party stories from the experience. I already had a kosher SNAFU. I bought lifesavers for the teachers (I was going to put them in their mailboxes with the slogan: The Library Can Be A Lifesaver). However, a search online revealed that lifesavers may not be kosher! Back to the drawing board and I bought chocolate and have new knowledge of the symbols for kosher on most food packaging. The slogan was The Library Has Nuggets of Wisdom and I attached Hershey nuggets. The faculty is very diverse--there are teachers from England, Israel, Mexico, and all over the U.S. Most have Masters degrees and some have PhDs. The campus is beautiful. So....I think I'll be OK. Stay tuned....
Yay, you're back. Thought of you while at the cabin this past weekend with all the UMMers. I hope Miss F has a great transition to her new daycare. Bridget is getting geared up to leave Maren at daycare after Labor Day. She is totally feeling guilty right now- I don't have anything to say to help her, since I have never done the whole daycare thing.
Oh, the lower Greenville Days!! What GREAT memories!! I hope the new school has beads,music (Must be Pour Some Sugar on Me), green kool-aid and a ton of cute boys at their parade. If not, give me a call and I can show them how it's done!!
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