Last night on E! they were playing one of my top 5 movies, "Dazed and Confused". If I had 3 wishes, one would be to be a senior in high school in 1976. The cars were rad, the music was rockin' and the clothes were fantastic. This movie lets me live that dream, just a little, for approximately 1hour and 53 minutes. The cast is fantastic: Matthew McConaughy (who went on to become a HUGE star that all of you should know), Jason London (who's been in tons of things or appears to be as his twin brother Jeremy is in movies/TV, too), Rory Cochrane (of "Empire Records" and who most recently was on CSI: Miami), Parker Posey (I discovered her in the movie and loved her, watched all her indie flicks and then watched her become a B-List star in things like Scream 3, Best in Show, You've Got Mail, Josie and the Pussycats, etc). Let's not forget Ben Affleck before he worked out and got caps on his teeth and Marissa Ribisi (sister to Giovanni Ribissi from "Friends" and "My Two Dads", she's also married to the singer/rapper Beck). There's Anthony Rapp (of "Rent" and "Adventures in Babysitting") and Adam Goldberg (of "Friends" and "Saving Private Ryan"). Supposedly Renee Zellweger is in 1 scene but try as I may, I never see her. OK, I'll stop now and change subjects. I do need to mention that my friend's husband grew up in the neighborhood where they filmed this movie. One of these days I'm going to follow him to Austin and have him show me all the shooting locations. Oh, and there's the girl that played the wife of Goose when he was on ER--can't remember Dr. So-and-so and Milla Jovovich the Loreal model and Joey something-or-other with the breathy voice. Crazy.
Whew....I heard "Breakfast at Tiffany's" at the gym this morning. That song took me back to senior year of college when a bunch of us piled in Zimney's van (without any seats...that was weird, we all sat on the floor, I think), drove to St Cloud just to go dancing (I believe it was at least 1.5 hours each way). On the way home, we were this close to running out of gas but luckily, in the middle of middle of nowhere MN, a gas station had pay-at-the-pump. Even back in 1996! Anyways...we sang that song coming home from our adventure. Changing the tune to "Breakfast at Cynthia's".
I love books on tape. Currently I am listening to "Everyone Worth Knowing" by the author of "Devil Wears Prada". I'm looking for excuses to be in the car now AND I don't even listen to Roula and Ryan in the a.m.!!!! With a shorter commute, I don't get to hear as many chapters as I used to.
I'm signing off because I just thought of more characters in "Dazed and Confused" that I want to mention....and both soundtrack albums and....
I didn't know D&C was in your top 5! It's in MY top 5, too! I've watched it on E! 3 times in the past 2 weeks, despite the fact that I have it on DVD AND VHS. Of course, I've done the same thing with Jeepers Creepers 1&2, also, so I don't know what that says about me...
Breakfast at Tiffanys..... My memories are you (7 months pregnant) singing as we walked thru Tiffanys in Chicago while Cynthia and Mel were buying stuff!! Girls weekend 2005.....
I remember you having a breadbowl salad, hold the salad, with ranch dressing at the St. Cloud Perkins after dancing, and playing "I Never" in the van on the way home...I'm so glad that you were along because you were good at dancing strategically to push unwanted guys out of our dancing circle!
And do you mean Goose's ex-wife on ER, or the British surgeon?
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