Miss F had her first projectile vomit moment this evening. Driving home from dinner, she proceeded to throw up all over herself, the carseat, her car mirror, the back of the back seat, the back seat, and Gumbo (a stuffed dog). We're not sure if she just ate too much or if she has a virus. The nurse said to treat it like a virus but we think she just had her first lesson in too much of the good stuff.
Luckily, I had my Baby 411 book because it has a recipe to make your own pedialyte. If not, I would've had to take Ralphie (as she's being called tonight) to the store with me and that would've been dangerous. Mr B was too busy cleaning up the various thrown up on parts and equipment to watch Ralphie. That book is my go-to bible of baby. If you're pregnant, have just had a child or know someone who has just had a child, get this book. It's amazing. However, just for future reference: 4 cups water, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 2 tablespoons sugar and 1/2 teaspoon Jello powder for flavoring if needed/wanted. It's good for hangovers, too. Not that I 've had one of those in awhile--it's amazing what a 9month detox will do for you!
So...Ralphie has had a couple tablespoons of B-dialyte (as I'm calling my concoction). She seems to be holding it down so I'll give her a little more. She's in fine spirits. Laughing. Waving. Clapping. Calling for da-da, da-daa and da-doo (Mr B, Daisy and Sheba...notice no mama, sniffle)
Poor Ms. F! It think I am about to Ralph too!
Ooohhh, I hope she's feeling better! I hope she doesn't pass it on to you guys. See my archives for "Welcome to the Vommit House" for more on that.
Yeah, and aren't you glad you have leather seats? I have more people ask me why I went with leather interior in Zippy. Duh! For days when the stifling heat doesn't matter as much as the fact that you can just wipe the baby phlegm off the seat with a paper towel.
P.S. heard the news that Fraley is next in line at the delivery room! I'm so excited for her! Oh, and I be feelin' the pressure big time from the school peeps to have one of my own. This diva plans to wait a little bit mo.
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