I still haven't figured out the USB cord thing. I'm hoping a new cord will help. I hope it's not the port. ARGH. *notice my beautiful artwork above Miss F's head. I did that when my name was still Jennie.
Well...I think I've made the cut for the RR Show. However, I don't think I get to meet Rachael. I think it'll be one of those videos that she cuts to from the NYC Studio. Still, I get to be on the show and y'all better Tivo it! It'll film next week (if I can get off from my new job for 1.5 days...I just started last week...what do y'all think--honesty of sick day?)
Miss F is fine 'n' dandy. I think she just ate too much. We fed her dinner in tag team format that night--I fed her awhile, Mr. B fed her awhile and neither realized that she ate a lot between the two of us. She went to a friend's 1st birthday and to a BBQ at another friend's house (which was more 3 baby circus then BBQ but a good time was had by all) on Saturday and was in fine spirits all day.
Someone asked what my other 2 wishes would be....besides being a senior in high school in 1976 (see 'Dazed and Confused' blog below)...well, I think another wish would be to be as witty, quick and smart as the mom, Loralei, on 'Gilmore Girls' and then, money, as much as I need to cover my wants and my needs (you have to say that because wishes are funny, if I said 'everything I want' then I wouldn't be able to buy things I need...see, I'm a thinkin' gal)
You made the cut! I never had any doubts. We haven't gotten our DVR, yet, so you're going to need to throw a viewing party for us losers who are still DVR/TiVO impaired.
By the way, I am having so much fun with my blog! Thanks for the comments. I think you're the only one who reads it *sniff!*
Oh, and I REALLY miss you at school. :(
I AM SO EXCITED!!! We are going to be able to say... "We knew her when!!!"
Maybe you should film at Girls Weekend 2006... "Drinks by the Beach" in Port A!!!
Thank God for TiVo! I can't wait to see it! At least you and RR will share the airwaves....
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