Monday, August 14, 2006

Supa-stah, Part II

I still haven't figured out the USB cord thing. I'm hoping a new cord will help. I hope it's not the port. ARGH. *notice my beautiful artwork above Miss F's head. I did that when my name was still Jennie.

Well...I think I've made the cut for the RR Show. However, I don't think I get to meet Rachael. I think it'll be one of those videos that she cuts to from the NYC Studio. Still, I get to be on the show and y'all better Tivo it! It'll film next week (if I can get off from my new job for 1.5 days...I just started last week...what do y'all think--honesty of sick day?)

Miss F is fine 'n' dandy. I think she just ate too much. We fed her dinner in tag team format that night--I fed her awhile, Mr. B fed her awhile and neither realized that she ate a lot between the two of us. She went to a friend's 1st birthday and to a BBQ at another friend's house (which was more 3 baby circus then BBQ but a good time was had by all) on Saturday and was in fine spirits all day.

Someone asked what my other 2 wishes would be....besides being a senior in high school in 1976 (see 'Dazed and Confused' blog below)...well, I think another wish would be to be as witty, quick and smart as the mom, Loralei, on 'Gilmore Girls' and then, money, as much as I need to cover my wants and my needs (you have to say that because wishes are funny, if I said 'everything I want' then I wouldn't be able to buy things I need...see, I'm a thinkin' gal)


Carey said...

You made the cut! I never had any doubts. We haven't gotten our DVR, yet, so you're going to need to throw a viewing party for us losers who are still DVR/TiVO impaired.
By the way, I am having so much fun with my blog! Thanks for the comments. I think you're the only one who reads it *sniff!*
Oh, and I REALLY miss you at school. :(

Cari said...

I AM SO EXCITED!!! We are going to be able to say... "We knew her when!!!"

Maybe you should film at Girls Weekend 2006... "Drinks by the Beach" in Port A!!!

Madeline said...

Thank God for TiVo! I can't wait to see it! At least you and RR will share the airwaves....