Monday, December 12, 2005

I can't believe after giving birth and going through labor that I'm still scared of the dentist. It rarely hurts but it did once, a long time ago, so I cringe just waiting for the pain every time I go. However, NO CAVITIES! Whoo-hoo! I still want Santa to bring me an electric toothbrush.

Miss F fell asleep in the car and is now a sleepy, nap time baby. She's been sleeping for 2 hours! That never happens so I'm letting sleeping babies lie. While she's doing that I am trying to catch up on emails and, I'm embarassed to admit this, bidding on Ebay for a Cabbage Patch doll born on Miss F's birthday. I keep telling myself and Mr. B that it's for Miss F but really, I think it's for me because I only want one particular one. The one I think is the cutest and not just one born on the same day. There is laundry to be done, bathtubs to scrub and I'm on Ebay. Oh well.

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