As I posted below, Miss F is a music fan. I've gone to the dark side and now find myself playing kid music in the car. I thought music was music and while Miss F does a mean impression of Garth (from Wayne's World) doing 'Foxy Lady', she really preferes kiddy songs to classic rock (we'll try to fix that soon). For her birthday I asked for CDs of kid music that wasn't too annoying or made me feel like I was coming a person I swore I'd never become (but anyone who is a mom knows you become that person no matter how hard you try--whether it be minivans or calling the teacher or kid music in the car).
I received some great CDs--"Baby Loves Jazz" is smooth, jazzy renditions of classics (though the lyric 'if you're happy and you know it slide the bone' makes me laugh--they mean the trombone...I think....). Kid Bops is 80s hits sung by kids. It's a favorite of Miss F and I can't help but giggle when they sing Van Halen's "Jump". I also got one title '102 Traveling Songs'. Boy does this one take me back, it has songs on it that I've been singing to Miss F and Mr. B thought I was making up. Ones like "I'm a little piece of tin" and "Be Kind to Your Web Footed Friends". These are songs I learned at daycare or Girl Scouts and I've remembered all these years. Funny how music can take you down memory lane....they do cheat though, on '100 bottles of Beer'. They count down by 10s--90, 80, etc. C'mon, if you're gonna sing it, then sing it the long, drawn out, way.
We had a great weekend--two Fall Festivals. One at Miss F's daycare and one for my neighborhood Mom's group. She was a Duck for the evening one (and I was 'Duck' and Mr. B was 'Goose'. Get, duck, goose) and she was a Minnesota Cheerleader for the daytime one because it was pretty warm out (we figured no one would razz a 1 year old about MN performance yesterday...sorry Golden Gopher fans). We did a pumpkin patch at our realtor's office. We walked the Arboreteum (chased by mosquitos, the one downside to a perfectly perfect weekend--cool, sunny, but mosquitos the size of horses abounded). And I cooked two Rachael Ray meals--the burger of the month from last month's "Everyday Rachael Ray" (it was fabu--tasted like turkey and dressing on a bun, mmmmm) and the Tex-Mex, Cheddar Studded Meatloaf with chive smashed potatoes from "365, No Repeats". It turned into Tex-Mex, Cheddar Studded Meat sauce over smashed potatoes but was still tasty.
Happy Halloween to all and to all a good night (if I don't blog before then....)
The only thing Annalise wants to listen to in the car is the Jack Johnson soundtrack from Curious George- and we always have to start at the beginning of track 1 (Upside Down). And it's really funny when we stop the Pilot, and she says, "Jack off!"
We love the Laurie Berkner "Vitor Vito" CD. I will burn it for you and send it. It's great music because it is not annoying but still silly enough to keep the kids attention. A lot of acoustic quitar, she kind of reminds me a bit of Edie Brickell.
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