I have a new respect for Chuck E. Cheese. I have a feeling we'll have many a birthday there and I will embrace it. Why? They clean up after you! Plus, I will be happy to host chaos and bedlam anywhere but in my home.
Miss F had a fantastic 1st birthday.
We had beer (root and regular), bratwurst and hot dogs (kosher, natch), and German potato salad in keeping with the Octoberfest theme. I downloaded oompa music from iTunes to make us feel like we were in Bavaria. We had a pumpkin decorating contest and awarded prizes for Most Ghoulish, Most innovative and any other synonyms for 'creative' that the thesaurus could give me. That was the Halloween part. I believe there were ~25 adults and 10 children (most hovering around the 1 year mark). Again, can you see why I'm lovin' on Chuck, now?
Miss F is not walking yet but she does twinkle-hands! (the cousin to jazz hands!) for Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and she does the itsy-bitsy motion for Itsy Bitsy Spider. She also knows where her belly and head are located. We're confident she'll get into a good college--we just may have to carry her to class every day.
Still no word on the Rachael Ray reschedule. Humphf.
Okay, your show had better not been pre-empted for that pointless coverage of all the stupid rain on Monday. I just don't get it, why do they need to pre-empt a TV show to talk about the weather on a weekday? Everyone who works already knows because they're out in it and they can get their information from the radio, and everyone at home could care less about what the weather is doing because, well, they're at home in their beds with a good book and some cocoa!!
Wow, that last sentence made me really regret the decision to stay at school through May.
P.S. Sorry again that we missed Miss F's party. Sounds like it was a typical B Family bash, baby, yeahhh!
There were only 10 kids there? Really? hahahaha
btw--that potato salad was off the chain, yo. But hey--if you have a Chuck E. Cheese party, I'll be first in line for skee ball (no matter how many youngsters I have to elbow out of the way!)
I hope you're not finding orange icing in strange places for years to come...
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