Thursday, September 28, 2006

Makes me wish, sometimes....

Miss F is sick. Poor thing. Her timing is off. I have Monday off from school. Monday would've been a great day to be sick. Of course Mr. B has a training that only comes around once every 100 years like Hailey's Comet so he can't take off work. My 'partner' only works T/W so the library has to be shut down today in my absence (and this is a really bad time for me to be out @ work so I'm stressin'). Besides a poor, sick bebe, and lost work time we seem to have a pile of bills, our own health issues, we're buried under laundry and other chores and we're just beat down by the general rat race. honor of this, I feel my mood is best described in the lyrics of Mark Wills. I found some pictures of happier days (but maybe not my best hair days...although, I still LOVE my pink hair)

I saw Star Wars at least eight times
Had the pac-man pattern memorized
And I've seen the stuff they put insideStretch Armstrong
I was Roger Staubach back in my back yard
Had a shoebox full of baseball cards
And a couple of Evil Kinevil stars
On my right arm
Well, I was a kid when Elvis died
And my mama cried

It was 1970-something
In the world that I grew up in
Farrah Faucett hair-do days
Bell bottoms and eight-track tapes
Lookin' back now I can see me
And oh, man did I look cheesy
But I wouldn't trade those days for nothin'
It was 1970-something

It was the dawning of a new decade
When we got our first microwave
And Dad broke down and finally shaved Those sideburns off
I took the stickers off of my Rubix cube
Watched MTV all afternoon
My first love was Daisy Duke
In them cut off jeans
A Space Shuttle fell out of the sky
And the whole world cried

It was 1980-something
In the world that I grew up in
Skating rinks and Black Trans Ams
Big hair and parachute pants
Lookin' back now I can see me
And oh, man did I look cheesy
But I wouldn't trade those days for nothin'
It was 1980-something

Now I got a mortgage and an SUV
But all this responsibility
Makes me wish sometimes

It was 1980-something
In the world that I grew up in
Skating rinks and Black Trans Ams
Big hair and parachute pants
Lookin' back now I can see me
And oh, man did I look cheesy
But I wouldn't trade those days for nothin'
It was 1980-something1970-somethingAw, it was 19-Something.....

PS--to everyone asking....No, I don't know when my episode of Rachael Ray will air. I promise to let everyone know the minute I know anything. It could be weeks and/or months or the show could be cancelled before I ever make it on (which is just my luck.....)


Katie said...

Perhaps you need to review the Jewish holidays calendar with your daughter so she'll know the next time she can stay home ill.
p.s. Did Chet Hudella consent to become famous via your blog?

Cari said...

I love that song! It makes me feel all warm fuzzy!!!

I know what you mean about being beat down. I was telling people today that I was ready to retire. Wouldnt' that be great? We could have SO much fun!!

My DVR is still recording RR everyday!!!

Jay said...

Is that a cheetah? That's H.O.T.!

/sorry to hear Miss F. is sick though. Hope she feels good again soon.

Carey said...

Yeah, I love that song, too. Kinda gives me the chillbumps, though, you know? Like the "when I was your age" talks are already upon us. Personally, I'm not sure I'm ready to start telling the whippersnappers born in the 90s (some of whom are already driving cars) how much better life was back when we still carried metal lunchboxes and there was no such thing as Cartoon Network because Saturday morning was all you needed! And yet, I just can't help myself...

Is there a 12-step program for this?