Thursday, September 28, 2006

Bad DVR, Naughty DVR

My DVR cut off just as Addison and McDreamy are sitting on the hotel bed and someone is coming out of the bathroom. Who is coming out of the bathroom!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? ARGH!


Cari said...

MINE TOO!!!!!! Greg is going to check it out online for me. I'll give you the scoop when I get it. I was SO mad last night!!

Danielle said...

Mine cut it off just shortly after that. I did see that it was Mitch (I think that's his name), the guy that Addison cheated on Derrick with in NY. Mine cut off just as McDreamy saw who it was and looked at Addison, I don't know if he said anything or not.

Anonymous said...

He said something along the lines of "well, that's that..."

Never DVR Grey's, people! It's worthy of WATCHING, commercials or not.

Don't come crying to me when your precious, precious GA is taken off the air b/c it's ratings were crappy b/c everyone recorded it instead of watching.

CSI: is gonna die that death, too.


Katie said...

Mine did too, but I was able to watch it online. ABC has the episode available to watch for free on their website.

Cate said...

You can catch what you missed here.