If there was such a thing as a parenting license, I think mine would've been revoked yesterday. Or, I'd have points deducted like they do up in Wisconsin. Why you ask? Well, I skipped swim lessons so I taught her to skip school (but, in my defense, we went to storytime instead), -1 pt from Mommy License. Then we went out to lunch and I didn't bring her diaper bag AND I fed her off the table (some would say that is germy and of suspect cleanliness). She likes to feed herself and restaurants don't have high chairs with trays! -2 pts from Mommy License. **note to self--buy vinyl or laminated placemat to bring to restaurants** Can I just take a moment to tell you how much Miss F loves to sit in those wooden high chairs--when they brought it out she started shreiking. My lunch companion thought she was mad--nope, she was so excited to sit in the high chair (she does this with the cart at the grocery/Lowe's/Target/etc., too)
Last night, my dinner wasn't appropriate for 9 month old girls (read: spicy and lots of beans) so I had to make Miss F her own separate dinner. Usually this consists of a quesadilla. I decided to make her pasta in my new Pasta Express (yes, as seen on TV). It was nice and easy to make but not so nice and easy to clean up. Yet another point against my Mommy License. But she loves pasta so maybe I can earn 1/2 pt. back?!?!? And look how cute she is with it all over her (and the tray, and the floor, and the wall and the dog.....)
Today we've behaved ourselves--Miss F had a nice, clean Eggo waffle for breakfast. We went to swim lessons and she went to daycare while I went down to my new job to put in an hour or so (makes me look like a go-getting, eager new employee).
Found a new channel on cable. It's called "Sleuth" (on 227 for Houstonians) It shows A-Team, Simon and Simon, Knight Rider and The Equalizer. I think I can sing the theme songs to all these shows! Woot!
The theme song to the A-Team...would you be talking about "It's the A-Team, THE A-Team...It's the A-Team, A-a-a-a-Team....."
I vote for more spaghetti, she looks so cute and I think you get bonus Mommy points for the sensory experience!! Every spaghetti night that we have in our house also happens to be bath night. George still loves to be a big pig, anything smushy or saucy ends up everywhere, atleast he's gotten over rubbing it in his eyes, that's not fun.
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