Thursday, March 19, 2015

Rodeo Up

It's that time again! We split up the fun this year so they're will be a follow up post about the actual rodeo and concert soon. This is just our visit to the Livestock Show and Carnival
Annual photo by the barrel racer (and speaking of barrels, they didn't have the rodeo clown barrel so we didn't get that photo this year. Bummer)
Pony rides! Miss F isn't too big (yet)
I promise Miss F is having fun be we have jokes that all the photos are of Sad Miss F. 
McButter was finally big enough to do the TX Parks and Wildlife archery booth.
Miss F is a little bored, McButter loves it
Ah, a bit more Miss F's speed! A high flying ride
The eats!! Nothing says TX rodeo like a big plate of pierogis and other Polish treats! The annual dipping dots enjoyed by a wet, bedraggled McButter and then fried cookie dough.
Ah! A smile! Listening to collegiate a Capella groups.
McButter wasn't as thrilled with the a Capella groups
Wet, fun day!

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