Monday, November 13, 2006


We had our first meeting of the head and the door frame yesterday. Head meet door. Door meet head. Cue big bruise on the noggin. Poor Miss F had a bad walking day yesterday. She seemed to trip and fall 85% of the time yesterday evening. I think part of the reason is that she's getting fast and she gets to going and well....let's just say she's getting a crash course in inertia. Pun fully intended.

Our weekend was fun. Mr. B took on the Mr. Mom role on Friday evening and Saturday afternoon. I went to the Nutcracker Market on Friday evening. I've heard about it since I moved to Houston and finally went this year. Meh. $8 to park. $10 to get in. $6 miniscule glasses of wine. Oh, and I haven't even shopped yet....there were a few cool things but mainly it was NMS (not-my-style). On Saturday I went to Brookwood. OMG. It was the coolest place. It's an educational, residential and entreprenuerial village for adults with functional disabilities. The food was gourmet (rivaled Ruggles in food AND desserts, Ruggles fans), the gift shop had great stuff (I'll go here instead of Nutcracker Market from now on) and the greenhouse had amazing flowers and plants. And my money went to a good cause. I love that. Anyone up for a drive to Brookshire? I'll go with you any day (and we can shop Katy Mills on the way home). We had Miss F's godparents over for dinner and I served CPK's Italian Chopped Salad and Rachael Ray's Gnocchi with Chicken Sausage.

Sunday Mr. B had to earn his big, new raise and went into work. Miss F and I went to the zoo for a couple hours. This time she loved the carousel and even kicked her 'monkey' to make it go faster. Future equestrian? We went to CostCo for Open House to try to debate the Sams vs. CostCo membership. We're still on the fence. Any opinions out there?

My cousin Madeline has tagged me with a meme (basically a daily question or quiz). I'm to come up with a menu for blogging friends on their first visit to my home. I think the menu from last weekend's dinner party would be my go-to meal in the fall/winter. I'd serve Marinated Cheese as an appetizer. I'd serve my Maple-Mustard Pork Loin with Bambi's twice baked potatoes but I'd add balsamic brown-sugar carrots to the menu. For dessert I'd try a pumpkin cheesecake recipe I've been eyeing.

Here's my meme for the day: Who was your favorite teacher and why?

My answer: My favorite teacher was Mrs Pearch, my 2nd grade teacher. I was a bit of a high strung kid (can you imagine? I bet you never guessed). I would get frustrated and would tear up my work in a fit but Mrs. Pearch would tape it back together and make me finish. She was my first run-in with tough love. She had me tested for gifted and talented. She taught me "Getting to Know You" from The King and I. She is the reason I wanted to be a teacher. I loved her so much. I remember forgetting her Christmas gift and my parents had to call her at home and bring me by her house because I was so distraught. I learned she died of cancer a few years ago and I was so sad.

I'm tagging so I hope to see your answers to this meme in your blogs soon:


Cari said...

Here's my answer to the meme question of the day....

Ms. Welch, my 7th grade English Teacher was my favorite!! English wasn't my strong suit but Ms. Welch always had me look at things differently so I could understand. She always made me feel like I could accomplish anything! I was so successfull that year, that I made it into Honors English in 8th Grade! (I also became her aide in 8th grade)
I kept in touch with her for years after I left Germany. Unfortunetly I lost contact with her when I went to college.

Katie said...

I'm not ignoring your tag. I'm still thinking about my answer. Hope you had a nice weekend!