Friday, November 10, 2006

Junkies and their habits

I am a T.V. Junkie. I'm suffering today because I had to catch up on "Grey's Anatomy" (2 episodes) and "Laguna Beach: The Real OC" (2 episodes...was 3 but somehow my DVR didn't tape the Spring Break episode--boo!) after putting in a 13.5 hour work day.

Not even an EggNog Latte from Starbucks can save me. I'm on to Coke (full octane) #1 for the day.

In other random thoughts--

I hate the song "Sexy Back" but it's in my head all day, everyday

It used to be that I could count on 1 hand the # of people I knew that were pregnant. Now I can count on 1 hand the # of people I know that aren't pregnant (myself included, thank you very much). It's so surreal how fast life changes! Weren't we all a bunch of irresponsible, irreverent, sometimes drunk and most of the time disorderly, teenagers just yesterday?


Anonymous said...
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Madeline said...

Hey Jeny - I feel your pain. I have 3 Survivors and 2 CSI's to watch.

Freaking everyone I know is pregnant right now, too! It's getting a little crazy.

And, I tagged you today on my blog.