Monday, November 06, 2006

I'm walkin', yes indeed, I'm talkin' bout you and me

Life is just Ducky for Miss F.

Miss F is walking! She's about 20% crawling, 50% creeping/hanging on to the wall/chair/etc. and 30% walking on her own two feet. Last Wednesday she just let go of the wall and walked to me. Her daycare has been working with her so when I picked her up on Thursday, they were so excited to show me that she walked that I had to pretend I didn't know yet.

She is also taking to learning sign language. She does 'eat' and her own version of 'all done'. She did 'milk' yesterday but only when she wanted to drink from someone else's cup. She can now show you where her 'bum' is located. Mommy thought that would be fun to teach her. I mean, c'mon, all kids do 'eyes', 'nose', 'head', but what 1 year old will slap their butt when you ask "Where's your bum?" She also says 'dak' for duck and 'dah' for dog and 'deedee' for Daisy.

In other news:
We went to the zoo on Saturday. We joined as members and of course, Miss F was more interested in the trees and the life flight helicoptor than the animals. She went on the carousel and loved the first 1/2 then decided she was scared for the second 1/2. We had friends over for dinner on Saturday night. I made marinated cheese for an appetizer, a salad with homemade poppy seed dressing and maple-mustard pork loin. The guests brought twice-baked potatoes and stuffed squash. We did a pot luck just like Rachael Ray suggested to me on her show.

Yesterday I went to the International Quilt Festival. Sounds geeky, I know. The people watching was good and there were some, erm, quirky people there. However, the shopping was fantastic and the winning quilts were breathtaking. A good time was had by all. I bought the fabric to start a quilt for our bed. It'll need to be king sized so it's a project that I can work on for a long, long, looooong, time. Especially because I'll need to stop and make baby quilts. It's another big round of babies for our friends in the next 9 months!


Madeline said...

That picture is priceless. I expect to see it at your Mom's next time I visit!

Cari said...

GO MISS F GO!! Whoo-Hoo!!!