Sunday, September 24, 2006

The Weekend Update

Miss F and I had a Girls Weekend while Mr. B was up in IL for a wedding. I got off work on Friday at 12:30 for Rosh Hashanah (New Year). I went with co-workers to lunch (a mite bit of a 'liquid lunch' but not fully Happy Hour), ran to Target and then picked up Miss F. We met a friend in the 'hood for playtime and then came home to dinner, bath and bed.

Saturday we picked up the Pilot. It looks fantastic. We ran errands and went to Toys R Us to try to secretly scope out birthday gift ideas for the soon-to-be birthday girl. Miss F took a record breaking 3 hour nap allowing me to read, catch up on LB: The Real OC eps, and clean out the pantry/fridge. We met our friends P&R for a little swim and a little TexMex. Miss F enjoyed their King Charles Spaniels and her first balloon.

Today we went on a walk, read the paper and played dump all the blocks out of the container. Over and over and over. Miss F danced to the Disney Sing A Long Songs video and saw her first, extremely brief, glipse of Barney. There will be no Barney--the TV went off immediately (but it was cute that she saw him and waved to him on the TV).

Amazing Race, Desperate Housewives (Cold Case on the DVR) and Without a Trace tonight. A while back there was a movie called Young Guns II. In it, a young, unknown actor by the name Balthazar Getty caught my eye and I bought posters of him at Old Tucson Studios (where they filmed Young Guns and 3 Amigos) to hang in my room. He disappeared after that movie...I always wondered where he went. Well guess what? He's on the new Brothers and Sisters. I cannot add a 5th show to Sundays. It's not possible. My DVR might blow up from the pressure of Sunday nights.....but to do what to do.


Anonymous said...

I'll tell ya what to do...go ahead and DVR Brothers & Sisters and watch it when there's nothing on Mondays!!!

'Tis the season anyway, you can't escape the fine programming...I was so caught up in it that I added Showtime yesterday (couldn't stand missing Weeds anymore.)

Danielle said...

Thumbs up on Brothers & Sisters, I thought it was great!

Carey said...

OMG, Miss F looks so cute in her pigtails I want to scream! I can't believe how big she's getting! What's in that drink she's sipping, Miracle-Gro for toddlers?
Still looking for you on RR. Can you not even tell us what she was wearing the day you taped?