Wednesday, August 23, 2006

It's on like Donkey Kong

My 15 minutes of fame begins tomorrow afternoon and will end sometime very late on Friday night or very early on Saturday morning. I still will not meet Rachael...but I got a free cookbook out of the deal (Madeline, I got the "Get Real" meals cookbook, which I didn't have yet). But not an autographed cookbook...where is the love?!?

Miss F began her new daycare today and did splendidly. She is everyone's favorite (I made that part up...maybe...or maybe they're just not allowed to say it out loud)

Work is good. Today the Student Govt. President tried to convince me that the old librarian let them drink alcohol in the library. I told him the best I could get him was a water on the rocks and that the old librarian had to take her bar set-up with her to corrupt the public school kids. I love working with high schoolers again (and the middle schoolers are fun, too). I get to drip with sarcasm and they give it right back to me. En garde!

Mr. B did some skeet shooting with the bigwigs. A good time was had by all (and he beat his boss' team...good or bad? You make the call on that one!). Next week he is being subjected to a horrible, nasty field trip to La Jolla, California. You wouldn't believe the shots he had to have in preparation for this trip. We'll be worried sick about him staying right on the oceanfront among the rich and famous. Poor guy!


Cari said...

You are going to be a SUPERSTAR!! I am going to be able to say.....I knew her WHEN!! :)

I can't wait to hear all the news! Looking forward to girls weekend! (I hope the pavarotizi's will stay away!)

Madeline said...

Nice! That is a good cookbook - I can't believe it's not autographed! I can't wait to hear the full report.