Tonight I video my less than 2 minute tape for the RR Show. I'm up for a show about dinner parties that they're filming in Houston (so no travel, boo! No NYC for me). Hopefully I'm ready for my close up, Mr. DeMille.
Yesterday I had the nicest, random act of kindness bestowed upon me. I was leaving Sam's Club with a cart full of 50 lb dog food, 50 lb cat litter, 50 lb baby formula...well, you get the picture when the skies opened and it started pouring. The drenching, gully washers that only Houston can produce. As I'm running for the car, a woman with a huge umbrella changed direction from going towards Sams to running towards me. She held the umbrella over me and the cart all the way to the car, held it as I unpacked my purchases and then walked me to the driver's side door and waited until I got in. Wow. I challenge everyone reading this to do something that nice for someone else. In this world of hurry, hurry, we forget that it only takes a few minutes to make someone's day.
Miss F had her 9 month check up. She's 20.05 lbs (75%), 28 inches (70%) and her head is 17 1/2 (70%). She was healthy and happy and passed her anemia test with flying colors. She didn't even cry when they stuck her foot to take blood, she got mad, she told the lady off (with a very firm da-da-la-la-daaaaaa) but she did well. I let her have one lick from the sucker and then ate the rest myself.
In other news--we are fine here at the new casa. I realize there are photos out there showing flooding but there are places in Houston that flood when it drizzles. It's the joy of living in a swamp, down by the gulf. We cross our fingers everytime it rains and kiss our flood insurance policy.
Last, as I look at the photo of Miss F with my parents, I have to mention that Saturday was 10 years since my sister Melissa passed away. It's amazing how fast your world can change with just a single knock on the door on a perfect sunny day. She loved butterflies and sunflowers so how perfect was this decoration at the church for Miss F's baptism? Our family calls things like this a "hello" from heaven.
1 comment:
If that isn't a hello from heaven, I don't know what is.
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