Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Time, time, time...see what's become of me

Whew! It's been awhile since I blogged (love the new 'verb'). We went to Mr B's hometown for Easter. As you can see, Miss F liked the DVD case that came in her Easter basket the most.

As of right now, Mr. B is with the inspector on the 2nd house we made an offer on and (hopefully) final house. The one that never made it to MLS and that we're getting for a sweet, sweet song. It needs some love and the burglar bars will need to come off but it's 1,000 sq. feet bigger than where we currently live, and I've convinced Mr. B that we need a maid! Whoo-hoo! We should close next Friday. Yes, next Friday!

I've accepted the position at Emery-Weiner School. I interviewed at the public elementary school today and boy, if I wanted to go with the 'signs', that would be the place--my favorite family moved from my current school to this very school in October and the principal collects frogs. However, for once, I'm not going with the signs and I'm going with my gut and I feel good about my choice.

Miss F is now 6 months. She weighs 17lbs, 9 oz and is in the 60% which is pretty darn average. There's lots of babies bigger than her and lots of 'em smaller. She's right in the middle where she should be. She's even in 6-9 mo clothes! The doctor is slightly concerned that she may have a bit of a delay in speech. No, the man doesn't expect her to speak words, but she doesn't coo and gurgle like she should, apparently(Danielle, my sista, we can be speech buddies) and if she's not making vowel/consonant sounds in a month, I'm to call in some specialists to do an assessment/therapy/etc. I think we need a therapy dog. She squeals and makes a ruckus when she sees Sheba but Sheba won't stay still. I'm still working on this with Mr. B. I'm thinking a nice Westie would be good.


Jay said...

I already sent this to you, but your peeps might as well know too. There's no reason to fret over speech issues just yet 'cause....

/sorry, hafta cut and paste

Danielle said...

Gosh you guys are busy! Congrats on the new job and the new house. Hopefully Miss F starts babbling today and you don't have to go through all that speech stuff.

Madeline said...

Many congrats on accepting the new position. It's always better to follow your gut. When my Dad got back from your parents' (after Easter) he was all jazzed up to tell me about all your news - I had to tell him I already knew it! Next time maybe I will let him tell me anyways.

Katie said...

I think the medical community is cracked when it comes to speech milestones. Miss A didn't babble like she was "supposed to" either. I remember at 17 1/2 months, hearing her babble FINALLY and saying, "ah-ha, that's what babies are supposed to be saying at 6 months!" She talks up a storm now. Keep blogging about the job/new house!

Anonymous said...

Dear Jeni,
What a darling grand-niece! She reminds me of John's youngest.
Aunt Linda B.