Sunday, March 05, 2006

Baby's Got Mom's Sweet Tooth

At her 4 month appointment, the doctor suggested waiting to start 'solids' until Miss F ate 8 oz bottles on a regular basis. When she started eating 6 oz bottles every 1.5-2 hours, we decided it was time for rice cereal (and the poor ladies at daycare were struggling to keep up with her demands). We haven't had much sucess getting the cereal in her mouth but she's been doing great on it at daycare and after 1.5 weeks of cereal, we've decided to start the Stage 1 foods. As you can see, we began with green beans and Miss F looks like her mom having to eat those veggies--where's the sweet, momma? Where's the love? The food actually made a 'whoosh' noise as she spit it back out at us.

This weekend was a whirlwind--Friday night we attended the fish fry @ the Catholic church where Miss F goes to daycare (and being caught up in the spirit of the season, I declared that I'd give up bitching and moaning for Lent--bwah-haha, we'll see how long the 'Pollyanna' act lasts). On Saturday we had breakfast with Miss F's pal Miss E.D.(1 week older) and coffee talk for the gals. Then lunch with P&R at Kenny and Ziggy's Deli (yum and sandwiches as big as your noggin'). Then Tar-zhay for tubs to start packing up the knick-nacks for 'staging the house' for sale. Next was a quick meeting of the babysitting co-op and then home for me to make Spaghetti alla Carbonara (30 minute meal, thanks Rachel Ray) . Sunday was spent looking at new carseats (she's outgrowing the carrier model) and a quick trip to Whole Foods. We're heading out now to view some Open Houses.

So...yes, we've decided to sell our house. It got a new coat of paint this past week and will hopefully get a new fence in the next week or so. We're looking at pounding that For Sale sign in the yard by the end of the month. Where we're going--well, we're not sure but we're 90% certain we'll stay in the same 'hood and just upgrade to 3/4 bedrooms and 2 baths. We really need the 2 baths!


Danielle said...

I love the pic, soo funny! I don't blame her, those green beans seem pretty to me. Maybe try carrots. It's funny, George never liked the sweet veggies, still does not care for carrots, but loves peas (ick as far as I'm concerned). Good luck on selling the house!

Anonymous said...

"The food actually made a 'whoosh' noise as she spit it back out at us."

...has to be my new favorite line so far! LOL!