Sunday, January 29, 2006

Single Baby Rollover

I survived my first week at work! Thank goodness for the freezer being full of meals and for coffee. Lots and lots of coffee.

Friday night we stayed in, ate nachos (so much for losing those last few baby pounds) and I vegged out watching Ghost Whisperer and Close to Home....usually I'm a Numbers gal, too, but I crashed within the first 5 minutes.

On Saturday Miss F rolled from her tummy to her back. Once. We couldn't get her to recreate the event so the debate is on....when do you count a milestone as a milestone? Does one time count if it doesn't happen again? I think we'd better wait until she's done it a few times before we begin to brag.

We had dinner at our friends G&A's house. We stayed out 'til 11PM! That is a rare occurance in the past 12 months.

Today Mr. B had to do some work at the office and I was sole entertainment for Miss F. We did tummy time (no rolling over, though), jumperoo, read The Best Nest, listened to music, played grab the bee toy (anyone who has seen Best in Show will understand why I crack up everytime I play with that bee toy) and other such infant favorites. Notice doing dishes, sweeping dog/cat hair up, etc. didn't make the cut for the days activities. I really need a maid or a child that naps more than 45 minutes.

Miss F has moved from hooting like an owl to making sounds like a dolphin or whale. Do we have a wildlife biologist on our hands? Our perhaps a budding Dr. Doolittle?!


Danielle said...

I would put it in her baby book as her official first rollover, but it might be a month or so until she starts doing it on a regular basis. Alot of those milestones are like that. I remember after Charlie took his first steps it was like 6 weeks until he used it as his major mode of transporation. So people would ask us "is he walking yet?", and we'd say "kind of", cause we weren't sure either.

Katie said...

It definitely counts! You've got to record the earliest occurrence of any milestone, so as to inflate your bragging rights. Not every mom is raising a genius, like you are! You go, Miss F!